Social justice, Critical Education, Intersectionality, EquityAbstract
This study examines, with focus on statistical education, how intersectionality appears in didactic tasks for Brazilian school education, developed by IBGEeduca, an educational platform organized by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics). In this study, intersectionality was used as an analytical tool to help understand and explain the complexities of the world that impose social injustices through interrelationships of power categories. The documentary methodological approach adopted in this research is part of a doctoral research project. The criteria for choosing the analyzed tasks were based on the authors' perception of the intersectional categories in the examined pedagogical proposals. We present an interpretative analysis of an IBGEeduca proposal from the theoretical perspective of critical statistics education. This investigation revealed several themes related to contemporary problems present sporadically in the proposed activities, requiring greater scrutiny of the hidden intersections among the categories exposed in the proposals. The findings of this Brazilian case study could spark conversations about how statistics teachers can use tasks to help students understand concepts of inequity and social injustice.
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