Passion-driven statistics
Cooper, J., & Dierker, L. (2017). Increasing exposure to programming: A comparison of demographic characteristics of students enrolled in introductory computer science programming courses vs. a multidisciplinary data analysis course. International Research in Higher Education, 2(1), 92-100.
Dierker, L., Flaming, K., Cooper, J., Singer-Freeman, K., Kaori, G., & Jennifer, R. (2018). Evaluating impact: A comparison of learning experiences and outcomes of students completing a traditional versus multidisciplinary, project-based introductory statistics course. International Journal of Education, Training and Learning, 2(1), 16-28.
Dierker, L., Robertson, J., Singer-Freeman, K., Woods, K., Zupkus, J., Arnholt, A., Moliski, E. G., Deckard, N. D., Gallagher, K., & Rose, J. (2018). Project-based learning in introductory statistics: Comparing course experiences and predicting positive outcomes for students from diverse educational settings. International Journal of Educational Technology and Learning, 3(2), 52-64.
Nazzaro, V., Rose, J., & Dierker, L. (2020). A comparison of future course enrollment among students completing one of four different introductory statistics courses. Statistics Education Research Journal, 19(3), 6-17.