learnr modules for self-paced learning of linear regression concepts


  • Katherine Daignault University of Toronto
  • Mohammed Kaviul Khan University of Toronto




The Methods of Data Analysis 1 course at the University of Toronto is a theoretical and applied presentation of linear regression with a heavy emphasis on the use of the R statistical software. Prerequisite competence in inference and R programming vary dramatically, causing many students to struggle with new material. To address this disparity, learnR modules were developed for five course topics to provide guided practice in programming and review of relevant prerequisite topics. The modules further present new course concepts commonly misunderstood in an exploratory manner prior to formal introduction in class. The goal of these modules is to create opportunities for low-stakes R practice, review of concepts needed to build further notions in the course, and to develop an intuitive understanding of the theory and core concepts of linear regression. We anticipate students will gain confidence in the necessary skills to be successful in the course.


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Conference Proceedings Volume


Topic 5: Achieving Coding Competencies in Data Science Students