Integrating R and Python into an applied econometrics course


  • Lucía Carolina Varela Universidad Abierta Interamericana



The digital transformation and the rapidly changing demands for technology skills represent challenges that traditional higher education faces today. However, due to Argentinian universities’ oversight, undergraduate students do not develop coding competencies to perform complex statistical analyses of datasets. This study considers an Information and Communication Technology approach that sought to integrate R and Python into an Econometrics course by merging theoretical concepts with applied aspects in a backward design course while blending technology and multimedia resources with active learning in a flipped-format classroom. This empirical research aims to explore to what extent the strategy deployed was a relevant and impactful means for developing students´ coding skills needed to perform econometric analysis. Students´ final empirical assignments show that, by the end of the course, they were able to solve real-world data challenges working with programming languages in R Markdown documents and in the RStudio Integrated Development Environment.


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Conference Proceedings Volume


Topic 5: Achieving Coding Competencies in Data Science Students