A framework for the design of gender inclusive activities


  • V.N. Vimal Rao University of Minnesota
  • Jax Mader Purdue University
  • Eric Friedlander Saint Norbert College




How can statistics educators ensure curricula promote gender inclusivity? We believe efforts to promote inclusivity should be informed by the desires, thoughts, and opinions of historically excluded individuals and by how they desire to be included. We present a framework for designing gender inclusive activities for statistics classes. We recruited individuals with historically excluded gender identities to complete a semi-structured interview. Transcripts were analyzed using a grounded theory and open coding approach. Our findings suggest that to our participants, it is important to stress the variability of lived experiences and gender identities, use datasets that both include all individuals and inclusively measure gender identities, promote an understanding of the similarity across all humans and be careful to avoid exacerbating perceived differences across different gender identities, and to use inclusive pedagogies and classroom norms. This framework can inform the development of gender inclusive curricula and resources for statistics educators and classrooms.


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Conference Proceedings Volume


Topic 4: Promoting Inclusion in Statistics and Data Science Education