Passion-driven statistics: A course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE)


  • Lisa Dierker Wesleyan University
  • Jennifer Rose Wesleyan University
  • Valerie Nazzaro Wesleyan University



Passion-Driven Statistics is a course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) that has been used in statistics courses, research methods courses, mathematics, and data science courses across a wide variety of disciplines. Funded by the National Science Foundation, Passion-Driven Statistics empowers students to take the lead in the decision-making and execution of data-driven inquiry and the production of new knowledge (Dierker et al., 2012). Students learn the programming required to construct, manage, analyze, and interpret data. Liberal arts colleges, large state universities, regional universities, medical schools, community colleges, and high schools have all successfully implemented the curriculum (Dierker et al., 2018, Rose & Dierker, 2019.


Dierker, L., Kaparakis, E., Rose, J. & Selya, A. (2012). Strength in numbers: A multidisciplinary, project-based course in introductory statistics. Journal of Effective Teaching, 12(2): 4-14.

Dierker, L., Woods, K., Singer-Freeman, K., Germano, K., Cooper, J.L. & Rose, J. (2018). Evaluating Impact: A comparison of learning experiences and outcomes of students completing a traditional versus multidisciplinary, project-based introductory statistics course, International Journal of Education, Training and Learning, 2(1), 16-28.

Rose, J.S. & Dierker L. (2019). Adapting the Passion-Driven Statistics curriculum for transition to high school, Teaching Statistics; 1–7. test.12209

Nazzaro, V., Rose, J., Dierker, L., (2020). A comparison of future course enrollment among students completing one of four different introductory statistics courses. Statistics Education Research Journal. 19(3), 6–17, Publications.php?p=SERJ

Cooper, J., & Dierker, L. (2017). Increasing exposure to programming: A comparison of demographic characteristics of students enrolled in introductory computer science programming courses vs. a multidisciplinary data analysis course. International Research in Higher Education, 2(1), 92-100. DOI: 10.5430/irhe.v2n1p92

Dierker, L., Cooper, J., Selya, A., Alexander, J., Rose, J. (2015). Evaluating access: A comparison of demographic and disciplinary characteristics of students enrolled in a traditional introductory statistics course vs. a multidisciplinary, project-based course, Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies of Education. 4(1), 22-37.

Cobb GW. (2015) Mere Renovation is Too Little Too Late: We need to rethink our undergraduate curriculum from the ground up. The American Statistician. 69(4):266-82.

Horton, N.J. (2015) Teaching the Next Generation of Statistics Students to "Think with Data": Special Issue on Statistics and the Undergraduate Curriculum. American Statistician. 69(4):259-

Nolan D & Temple Lang D. (2015) Approaches to Broadening the Statistics Curricula. In: Shelley MC, Yore LD, Hand B, editors. Quality Research in Literacy and Science Education. London, UK: 0.pdf#page=368, Journal of Problem-Based Learning;3(1):6-28.

Horton N.J. (2015) Challenges and Opportunities for Statistics and Statistical Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward. American Statistician. 69(2):138-45.




Conference Proceedings Volume


Topic 3: Enhancing Statistics and Data Science in Schools