Integration of statistical reasoning, scientific reasoning and nature of science understanding through citizen science


  • Keren Aridor University of Haifa
  • Michal Dvir Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
  • Dina Tsybulsky Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
  • Dani Ben-Zvi University of Haifa



Sound decision-making necessitates an appreciation of the role of uncertainty in generating data-based scientific knowledge, which calls for coordinating between different types of reasoning with statistical, scientific, and nature of science uncertainties. This study examines the uncertainties that young students articulate as they engage in activities designed to concurrently foster all three types of reasoning, and also explores how these types can interrelate. The context of Citizen Science is particularly suited for this goal, providing a unique opportunity to engage learners in authentic scientific practices including data analysis. We offer the Deterministic Relativistic and Middle ground (DReaM) framework, which consists of nine sub-categories of uncertainty articulations. We utilize it to analyze a case study of middle school students’ participation in an interdisciplinary learning sequence, as part of the Radon Citizen Science Project. Some of the identified uncertainty articulations sub-categories and their interrelations will be illustrated during the Satellite Conference presentation.


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Conference Proceedings Volume


Topic 3: Enhancing Statistics and Data Science in Schools