Tensions when teaching the investigative cycle in pre-service teacher education


  • Valentina Giaconi Universidad de O
  • Francisca M. Ubilla Universidad de O
  • Helena Montenegro Centro de Modelamiento Matemático, Universidad de Chile




We report a self-study of two mathematics teacher educators and one critical friend that studied the tensions emerging when teaching pre-service teachers the Investigative Cycle (IC) as a statistical- related process and a teaching statistics and probability framework. The focus on teacher educators is fundamental to adequately address the statistics education challenges that appear during pre-service teacher education. In this case, the more salient tensions were related to the pre-service teachers' perceptions, that considered a lack of articulation between the IC and the curriculum (Theoretical- curricular tension), were not able to concretely connect the curriculum and a concrete statistical project (Curricular-practical tension) and perceived that the IC was not applicable to real school classrooms (Theoretical-practical tension). These results suggest some solutions to improve the use of the IC in teaching statistics and probability in the school.


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Conference Proceedings Volume


Topic 3: Enhancing Statistics and Data Science in Schools