An analysis of K-8 pre-service teachers as data storytellers


  • Heather Barker Elon University
  • Emily Elrod Elon University



A required course at our university, Geometry and Data for K-8 teachers, focused primarily on geometry. A course redesign was completed to place more emphasis on the Data and Statistics Unit. This study seeks to understand how this change impacted the way pre-service teachers perceive real data and how they might use data in their own classrooms. Participants created a data story using an online statistical software tool, CODAP. The data stories were analyzed to determine how the tool and focal statistics concepts were utilized to present data to a hypothetical audience of students. Participants also took a pre- and post-test to determine changes in levels of statistical conceptual understanding. These results show a statistically significant increase in conceptual understanding of statistical topics. Findings from the analysis of the data stories created highlight the preservice teachers’ abilities to develop data stories to guide students through real and messy data explorations.


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Conference Proceedings Volume


Topic 3: Enhancing Statistics and Data Science in Schools