Analysis of the conceptions of teachers engaged in statistical learning projects
Teachers’ conceptions about teaching and learning guide their beliefs, knowledge, and attitudes that impact their understanding of the proposed curriculum. Studying their origins, functions, and changes makes it possible to rethink teaching practices more effectively, to answer: (a) what conceptions do teachers mobilise when managing and developing a statistical learning project from the perspective of exploratory data analysis? (b) what changes in conceptions might result from this experience? We structured a case study with recordings of six elementary Brazilian school teachers, members of a collaborative group of continuing education, analysed with the technological support of the NVIVO software. The data were collected in a focus group after teachers’ experience in development of learning projects. We identify changes between the teachers’ conceptions of statistics that allows us to suggest that the learning project can favor changes their statistical conceptions, which, in the light of our theoretical framework, are signs of learning.References
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