Civic statistics and interdisciplinarity in the Chilean school curricula


  • Francisca Manríquez Ubilla University of O’Higgins
  • Valentina Giaconi University of O’Higgins
  • Felipe Ruz Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso



Civic statistics aims to promote work with statistics on social phenomena in educational contexts. We asked ourselves how viable civic statistics would be in the Chilean educational context. For this purpose, we analysed the curricular bases of the subjects Science for Citizenship, Citizenship Education and Mathematics for the last two years of compulsory schooling (16-18 years old). Through a content analysis, using the eleven facets that make up the civic statistics knowledge and skills framework, we characterise the learning objectives of these three subjects. We observe that the facets related to the engagement and action dimension have a high presence in the subject of Citizenship Education and Science for Citizenship, while the facets related to knowledge models, patterns and representation and statistics and risk have a high presence in the subject of mathematics. Based on the results, we consider that the articulation of these three subjects would allow the development of knowledge and skills from an interdisciplinary perspective, which could result in the design of teaching modules that promote the development of civic statistics competences.


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Conference Proceedings Volume


Topic 3: Enhancing Statistics and Data Science in Schools