Interdisciplinary and differentiated learning of statistics in an online MPH


  • Marta Avalos-Fernandez SISTM team INRIA BSO, Talence
  • Gaëlle Coureau BPH Research Center, Bordeaux



Statistical literacy is necessary for evidence-based public health practice. However, introductory statistics courses can be challenging and stressful for continuing education students. The Master of Public Health program at the University of Bordeaux offers an international open and distance learning program to address the increasing demand for public health education from working professionals who have limited time for training or geographical constraints. To enhance the learning experience, the program has developed problem-based approaches based on epidemiological studies and data by integrating statistics and epidemiology courses. Additionally, the program adapts coding learning objectives to students' skills and career plans by teaching R with two interfaces. While RStudio is recommended for students planning to enter data sciences as it requires more advanced coding skills, R Commander is suitable for students with weak computer skills and those who don’t plan to evolve in data sciences. This strategy has proven to be an effective compromise.


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Conference Proceedings Volume


Topic 1: Fostering Learning in the Current Data Landscape