Describing the didactic-stochastic knowledge of pre-service mathematics teacher: The case of Chile


  • Felipe Ruz Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
  • Francisca M. Ubilla Universidad de O’Higgins
  • Valentina Giaconi Universidad de O’Higgins



Stochastic education of teachers has become an important research topic as mathematics teachers are usually responsible for statistics and probability teaching in schools. However, the emergence of new theoretical approaches has highlighted the problem of organizing and describing the professional knowledge needed to teach stochastics. The aim of this paper is to characterize the didactic-stochastic knowledge needed for pre-service mathematics teachers, considering Chile as a case study. Following a qualitative approach through a content analysis of the Chilean Standards for Pre-service Teacher Education, we obtained, as a result, a set of 37 indicators organized according to the Didactic- Mathematical Knowledge Model, and validated by the judgment of eight experts. The indicators consider disciplinary aspects (stochastics content); students’ knowledge and their learning (cognitive content) and teacher interests (affective content); and the instructional processes (interactional and mediational content) and their link with other areas of knowledge (ecological content). We hope that the identified indicators become a useful tool to organize and evaluate stochastic education programs for teachers.


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IASE 2023 Satellite Paper – Refereed Ruz, Ubilla & Giaconi

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Conference Proceedings Volume


Topic 1: Fostering Learning in the Current Data Landscape