Putting research into practice: Applying evidence-based principles to foster student learning in statistics and data science


  • Samantha-Jo Caetano University of Toronto
  • Bruno de Sousa Universidade de Coimbra
  • Anna Fergusson University of Auckland
  • Laura Le University of Minnesota
  • Alison L. Gibbs University of Toronto
  • Bethany White University of Toronto
  • Sotirios Damouras University of Toronto Scarborough




How can we apply evidence from research to best foster learning in our students? Inspired by the conference theme, a panel discussion at the IASE 2023 Satellite Meeting gave insight into the practical application of research-based learning principles to the teaching of Statistics and Data Science. The discussion was guided by the eight principles described in Lovett et al. (2023). These principles are grounded in learning theory and pedagogy and backed by empirical evidence. Panellists shared illustrative examples of how the principles are enacted in their teaching and participants had the opportunity to reflect on their own strategies for supporting learning through following these principles.


Lovett, M.C., Bridges, M.W., DiPietro, M., Ambrose, S.A. & Norman, M.K. (2023). How Learning Works: Eight Research-based Principles for Smart Teaching (2nd edition). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.


