Learnings from a decade of data fellows: Co-creation of a data skills framework for non-STEM students


  • Jackie Carter University of Manchester
  • Adriana Eufrosina-Bora Queensland University of Technology




This workshop provided a reflection on an experiential learning model developed in the UK. The Data Fellows initiative supports undergraduate social science and humanities students to develop their data skills through work placements. The findings have resulted in a book, academic articles and international presentations which collectively provide a substantial body of evidence to illustrate how non-Stem (science, technology, engineering and maths) students can learn and practice their data analytic skills and progress into data and technical careers. 25% of the 373 data fellows placed to date have been from historically under-represented groups and 70% have been female. A case study was presented to show a journey from a first degree in social science to a postgraduate degree in data science. The aim of the workshop was to challenge the deficit narrative that can accompany the teaching of data skills in the social sciences and explore whether a suitable data skills framework exists or could be developed.


British Academy (2017). The Right Skills: Celebrating Skills in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Available at https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/publications/flagship-skills-right- skills-arts-humanities-social-sciences/.

Buckley, J., Brown, M., Thomson, S., Olsen, W. and Carter, J. (2015). Embedding Quantitative Skills into the Social Science Curriculum: Case Studies from Manchester. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 18(5), 495-510.

Carter, J., Brown, M., and Simpson, K. (2017). From the Classroom to the Workplace: How Social Science Students Are Learning to do Data Analysis for Real. Statistics Education Research Journal, 16(1), 80-101.

Carter, J. (2021a). Developing a Future Pipeline of Applied Social Researchers through Experiential Learning: The Case of a Data Fellows Programme. Statistical Journal of the IAOS, 37(3), 935- 950. DOI 10.3233/SJI-210844

Carter, J. (2021b). Work Placements, Internships and Applied Social Research. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Carter, J. (2023a). Social Science Alumni Stories: Pathways into Policy. National Teaching Repository. Educational resource. https://doi.org/10.25416/NTR.24036921.v1

Carter, J. (2023b). Social Science Alumni Stories: Pathways into Research. National Teaching Repository. Educational resource. https://doi.org/10.25416/NTR.24010362.v1

LinkedIn, (2019). Global Talent Trends Report. Available at https://business.linkedin.com/talent- solutions/blog/trends-and-research/2019/global-recruiting-trands-2019

Project AIMS (2020) AI Against Modern Slavery. Available at https://mila.quebec/en/ai4humanity/applied-projects/ai-against-modern-slavery-aims


