Using the Datasquad model to join practical "people skills" with data science education


  • Deborah Wiltshire GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
  • Paula Lackie Carleton College



With the extremely rapid developments in the field, teaching data science in a sustainable way is quite challenging. We know there are demands for skilled data scientists, but we also know there is a gap between what can be covered in the usual curriculum and the real world of data practitioners encounter in their post-college lives. The DataSquad model is empowering on several levels: for beginning students it provides a foothold to more robust data literacy through working with more advanced peers on documentation. For those with more technical experience, they can develop human skills through project management, peer mentoring, and problem solving. This paper outlines how the early success of the Carleton DataSquad can contribute to tackling the students’ challenge of needing experience before they can get a job.


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Conference Proceedings Volume


Topic 6: Taking a humanistic stance in teaching and learning with and about data