Using peer instruction to teach threshold concepts in introductory statistics


  • Karol P. Binkowski Macquarie University
  • Nicholas M. K. Tse Macquarie University



Teaching threshold concepts for introductory statistics is challenging in large lecture settings. Peer Instruction (PI) has been promoted as an effective method to increase classroom engagement and support active learning. In our context, the first-year statistics large enrolment course at the undergraduate level is offered to a large cohort of students pursuing a Bachelor of Science and various non-statistical majors. We adopted the PI method during in-theatre hybrid Q&A live lecture sessions. Our data indicate students preferred the PI format over traditional lectures, and live lecture attendance increased compared to previous years. We also explored the relationship between students' perceived PI benefits and academic performance. We observed that with the PI method, lecture attendance doubled compared to prior years. We investigated students' perceived benefits from PI and academic performance within this unit. These findings in the broader context of teaching statistics demonstrate that simple, interactive methods like PI can significantly boost student engagement and performance. This supports the notion that active learning strategies are effective in helping students understand and retain material, especially in large, diverse cohorts.


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Conference Proceedings Volume


Topic 2: Creative approaches to supporting learners in under-resourced contexts